Can Air Conditioners be eco-friendly?

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Can Air Conditioners be eco-friendly?

No matter where you live whether it be Canberra or elsewhere, sustainability is a popular topic these days and for good reason. More and more, we are realising the need to take care of our planet and its resources. One way to do this is to choose eco-friendly options for the products we use in our everyday lives. When it comes to air conditioners, there are a few things to consider if you want to be green. First, look for an Energy Star label. This means that the unit has been certified by the EPA to meet certain energy efficiency standards. There are also a number of air conditioners on the market that use environmentally friendly refrigerants. These units have a smaller impact on the ozone layer and are less likely to contribute to global warming. Finally, keep in mind that the size and location of your air conditioner can also affect its efficiency. Choose a unit that is appropriately sized for the space you need to cool and make sure it is installed in a shady spot. By taking these factors into consideration, you can choose an air conditioner that is both sustainable and efficient.

How do Air Conditioners affect the environment?

While air conditioners are a mainstay in many homes and businesses, their use comes with a cost. Air conditioners emit greenhouse gases, which contribute to climate change. They also use large amounts of energy, which can lead to higher electricity bills. Additionally, air conditioners can cause condensation, which can lead to mould and mildew growth. 

When choosing an air conditioner, it is important to consider its impact on the environment. Energy-efficient models can help to reduce emissions, while models with condensate pumps can help to prevent moisture buildup. By taking these factors into consideration, you can help to minimise the air conditioner's impact on the environment. 


At ACG we have extensive experience working with different brands and can help provide any guidance on what type of Air Conditioner would suit your needs.

We are a proud family-operated company who have expanded rapidly in Canberra, with an extensive team of over 100 in-house professionals, all of which are qualified and accredited in the trade. Call us today on 1300 289 214 or visit our website at

5 Tips to save energy with your Air Conditioner?

Air conditioners are a great way to save energy and keep your home cool during the hot summer months. However, AC units can be quite expensive to run, so it's important to be as efficient as possible. Here are a few tips on how to save money and energy with your air conditioner: 

  1. Keep your AC unit clean and well-maintained. A dirty AC unit has to work harder to cool your home, which uses more energy and costs you more money. 
  2. Change your AC filter regularly. A dirty filter will also make your AC unit work harder, using more energy and costing you more money. 
  3. Set the thermostat as high as possible. Every degree you lower the temperature on your thermostat is another degree that your AC unit has to cool your home, using more energy and costing you more money. 
  4. Use a ceiling fan or floor fan in conjunction with your air conditioner. The air movement will help to circulate the cool air around your room, making it feel cooler without having to lower the temperature on your thermostat. 
  5. Close off any unused rooms. If you're not using a particular room in your home, close the doors and vents too.

How can I make my air conditioner more environmentally friendly?

Air conditioners have come a long way in recent years. Not only are they more energy efficient than ever before, but some models are now environment friendly. In fact, some air conditioners actually use more environmentally friendly refrigerants and coolants. Additionally, newer air conditioners often have better filtration systems that can remove more allergens and pollutants from the air. As a result, those with allergies or asthma may find that an air conditioner can help to improve their indoor air quality. But how do you know if an air conditioner is right for you? The answer depends on a number of factors, including the size of your home, your budget, and your needs. If you're not sure whether an air conditioner is the right choice for you, be sure to talk to our technicians at ACG. They can help you evaluate your needs and find the perfect solution for your home.

Who are we?

Established in 2004, Air Conditioning Guys (ACG) ACT has fast become an industry leader in the supply, installation, service and maintenance of air conditioning systems.

Unlike other air conditioning companies, we provide a 360-degree approach to our work, offering complete services across vertical and horizontal supply chains, including the supply, installation and maintenance of air conditioning systems for a variety of client types and project sizes. We are a proud family-operated company who have expanded rapidly in Canberra, with an extensive team of over 100 in-house professionals, all of which are qualified and accredited in the trade. Call us today on 1300 289 214 or visit our website at

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